Padding & Underlayments
Rug Pad Wizard
Protects the finest rugs from slipping!
Rug Pad Wizard Underlayment for use between rugs and hard surfaces; holds rugs firmly in place, prevents dangerous slipping.
Rug Pad Wizard will not stain or damage floors or rugs.
Rug Pad Wizard’s thousands of little shock -absorber/grippers (3600 per square foot) absorb the impact of footsteps, yet they give firm support so that your rug is not stretched or pulled in any way.
Rug Pad Wizard’s shock absorber/grippers keep your rug free of damaging wrinkles adding beauty with smooth tailored look.
Rug Pad Wizard is washable.
Rug Pad Wizard’s open construction makes vacuuming easier and allows more wear-causing dirt to be pulled out of the rug. This construction also protects your rug from possible mildew damage.
Rug Pad Wizard technology cushions rugs without thickness, eliminating unsightly “shoulders” around the edge.
20 Year Guarantee: Rug Pad Wizard will retain its non-slip properties for at least 20 years. If not, it will be replaced at absolutely no charge with proof of purchase.

Here's How to Install...
Rug Pad Wizard should be extended to with in two inches of the edge of your rug.
Then place your rug in the desired location and roll it up; put the Rug Pad Wizard in position, with the flat side next to the floor, and roll the rug back over the Rug Pad Wizard. It’s just that simple.
Rug Pad Wizard is made by the world’s largest maker of rug underlays. It will add years of enjoyment to your rug and protect you and your family from a slipping of wrinkling rug.
Available in ALL Sizes
Newly refinished floors should cure at least 3 weeks prior to installation.