Stain Removal Tips
Mix: 1 tablespoon mild deergent, 1/3 cup white vinegar & 2/3 cup water
Remove excess material, absorbing liquids and scraping semi-solids; apply solution; blot the carpet and gently brush pile; apply many layers of towling over the affected area; weigh down; leave until dry
Mix: 1 cup water, 2 teaspoons ammonia & 1 tablespoon mild detergent
Remove excess material, absorbing liquids and scraping semisolids; apply solution; blot the carpet and gently brush pile; apply many layers of toweling over affected are; weight down; leave until dry, apply a non-flammable dry cleaning solvent, dry the carpet and brush pile gently.
Remove excess material; apply a nonflammable dry cleaning solvent; blot dry; brush pile gently
Press ice cubes against spot. Wait until it becomes brittle and break off. Use spot remover ot vanish last traces.
Saturate the spot with unscented hairspray. Allow to dry. Brush lightly with a solution of water and vinegar. Blot dry.